Around Square Riga in Schaerbeek
L’avenue Huart Hamoir à Schaerbeek est exceptionnelle autant par ses dimensions que par la qualité de son aménagement.

Avenue Huart-Hamoir in Schaerbeek is as exceptional in its size as in the quality of its facilities. Particularly wide, it was designed as a tree-lined walkway with a square, paths and rustic-stone decorations. The architecture of the buildings that line the avenue is refined, with many beautiful family houses in the Eclectic and Art Deco styles. The Holy Family church in Square François Riga provides a focal point for the perspective down this prestigious residential main road. Square Riga was chosen as the site of one of the metro stations in the North metro project: this guided tour offers an opportunity to gain a better understanding of the challenges arising from this project which could significantly change the appearance of this district with its rich architectural heritage and beautiful urban perspectives.